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[News] - What can you tell me about Shodan?
Hello, I've heard that one can find various vulnerable devices with it, I'd like to know how it works and if there is a way to use my web cams and my printer against me? If it is possible — how can I protect my equipment? Many thanks in advance!
Hi there, Eugen!

Shodan is rather dangerous thing. Check our security blog for an article about Shodan search engine. To make things easier we may tell you that Shodan search engine works pretty the same as Google. The only difference here is that Google gathers information about various web-sites, and makes searches among them, while Shodan looks for web equipment.

It indexes the the sames way as Google and may provide the information on the device, such as IP-adress, location and many other things. You can run a search for “default password” and you will get links to a device with a default security settings, such as login: “admin” and password: “1234”. That comes for various web cameras and printers. Using it, hackers may even blow up your printer. As you can read it in the article, even rather important systems, such as traffic lights controls have serious vulnerabilities too.

So, when it comes to a security, you have to understand the fact that, when it comes to a wireless security systems, hackers may compromise it easily. The sames goes for iPhone controlled car alarms, remotely controlled garage doors. Even the most secure GSM car alarms were recently compromised. So if you would like to ensure a 100% wireless security – it is better to get universal signal blockers. They will block all the wireless communications in the area, and will make sure that any hacker won't be able to hack your devices.
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