FAQ - Can GE Fleet tracking be just stopped? : Signal Jammers | Signal Blockers | Signal Jamming Device | Signal Blocking Device

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[News] - Can GE Fleet tracking be just stopped?
Hello everybody! My company has recently hooked up with GE Fleet. I'm not doing anything wrong I just want to know if there's a product out there that will block them from tracking me at all? If you are familiar with GE Fleet tracking please let me know which device will stop them from being able to track me.

Hi Wendy!
GE Fleet tracking is the part of their management system. The GE Fleet Telematics Services, if to be more precise. In addition to different sensors and other electronic equipment, they use GPS tracking to manage the fleet's location, movements and schedule. I guess your company uses exactly this type of GE Fleet services for the purpose of tracking your location.
It is not bad or wrong if you have a desire to keep your privacy and block the signal of this tracking. In fact you will not break the work of the whole GE Telematics system by just jamming the GPS signal of the tracker. Yes, some functions will be disabled, but the majority of them will continue their work as usual. So you can maintain your privacy and stop GE Fleet tracking from being able to track you, keeping your location hidden from the system.
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