FAQ - Is it possible to eavesdrop on VoIP calls? : Signal Jammers | Signal Blockers | Signal Jamming Device | Signal Blocking Device

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[News] - Is it possible to eavesdrop on VoIP calls?
Hi! I'm using various VoIP services for my business affairs because I was sure that it is the safest way of communication. But recently, I've heard that it is possible to intercept those calls. I need to know whether it is possible, and if it does, how can I make sure that it won't happen to me and my partners?

Many thanks in advance!
Hi there, Stan!

If you are an experienced VoIP user you should know that the technology itself involves sending voice packages over the Internet. That's why someone may have a possibility to intercept your VoIP calls. Those packages are heavily encrypted and there are a couple of ways how that can be done. First you can use free encryption keys, but you should know that they can get to evildoers too, so your information will become vulnerable. Another option is to use private encrypting algorithms, which are developed by various companies. They are not free, but they can ensure a decent degree of safety for some period. But that's not the best solution too, because they can be cracked.

We should mention that it is quite difficult to intercept a voice package you have sent over the web and to decrypt it, that's why evildoers are using far more simple methods. First of all you should know that VoIP eavesdropping is a little bit different from other eavesdropping techniques. To eavesdrop on any VoIP call, encrypted or not you can hack the PC or the laptop that is used for that. In that case you will have access to decrypted voice packages from both talkers. So now you see that the problem lies in your PC's or laptops security.

The best way to ensure it – to use the most up-to-date anti-virus software and firewalls. But if you are using wireless networks – that won;t be enough, because you will have to face Wi-Fi vulnerabilities as well. You should know that those networks are really vulnerable and may serve as a decent back-door for a hacker. So try to avoid them, and if it is impossible – use a portable Wi-Fi signal blocker. It will prevent evildoers from connecting to your wireless network and keep your PC safe!

Thanks for your question, I hope, I've managed to help!
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