Would I be able to block the signal of FreedomPop wireless network?

Home >  Would I be able to block the signal of FreedomPop wireless network?
Hello everybody! I have heard that next year there will be free wireless service in U.S. called FreedomPop. Would I be able to block its signal around me?

Hi Sara!

You are absolutely right about it! Skype co-founder Niklas Zennstrom have backed up his startup that goes by the name FreedomPop. It would provide free wireless network services to the U.S. people starting from the next year. The basic package would be absolutely free (that reminds me Skype :) ) but for additional amount of data usage there would be some fee.

So you have probably already figured out that there would be real wireless spree next year! And you need to be ready for it because all public places would be crowded with WiFi and Bluetooth users texting, talking and typing on their laptops and smartphones that would be served by FreedomPop. And to do that effectively you need a FreedomPop signal jammer that you can carry in your pocket and have no problems from wireless connection addicts!

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